Marcia Berg Haskell

Watertown, MA

About Marcia Berg Haskell:

After a career in engineering and management, Marcia Berg Haskell retired and began to find new outlets for her creativity. In this pursuit, she began a second career as writer and an artist.

Marcia creates abstract paintings using acrylics and inks, and her work often features an emphasis on texture. In many of her paintings, she uses metallic and glittery inks to highlight details in her work, displaying emotion and feelings while using photography to capture the patterns and imagery of her world. In this process, Marcia captures natural imagery and patterns around her while developing techniques to create photographic abstractions that start with real photographic images as well as purely computer-generated images.


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Selected exhibitions
  • Cambridge Art Assoc. - Cambridge, MA, 2011
  • Several one-man exhibits around the Boston Area - ,
  • Cambridge Center of Adult Education, Numerous Art Classes - Cambridge, MA